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Two new students: Margaret and Vincent


By Tom Bode, President

On January 26, Margaret and Vincent will begin their freshman year of high school in Nakuru, Kenya, thanks to support from World Scholarship Initiative. The two students – attending different, single-sex schools – will move into their dorms, meet classmates from all over Kenya, and start adjusting to life at premier boarding high schools. WSI provides funding for education in hopes that these young people will build prosperous lives and become pillars of their community.

Life at boarding school will be a dramatic change from Margaret and Vincent’s primary school experience, which took place at a crumbling public school located in a slum. There, they were at the top of their class. Here, they will have classmates who will challenge them. There, they had to share textbooks, pencils, and overworked teachers’ attention with their peers. Here, they will learn from dedicated teachers in a supportive, well-equipped environment. Margaret and Vincent worked hard in primary school and succeeded despite enormous obstacles. Now they will have a chance to flourish.

This is the fourth consecutive year that WSI has selected incoming ninth grade students to receive a four-year scholarship for high school. We now support nine students – six girls and three boys – whose perseverance and intelligence and have been rewarded with the ability to attend a premier boarding school that would have been otherwise out of reach. Providing this opportunity to these students is only possible because of the generous support of donors and volunteers to World Scholarship Initiative. WSI is  a 501(c)(3) organization that operates without overhead – 100% of donations go directly to paying the costs of the students’ educations.

Please donate today.

Margaret 1

Margaret at St. Paul’s Primary School



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